Necklaces walking across your collarbone
Rozzy has done some stellar needlework. For years, her train commute provided time to needlepoint belts or knit sweaters. When retirement meant the end of her long commute, she started experimenting with making articulated animals out of wallpaper or cardboard. At a friend’s insistence, she attended an artist gathering where folks were working with polymer clay. Having already decided she didn’t like the feel of working with clay, Rozzy was hesitant to try polymer.
“The polymer doesn’t feel like clay at all,” Rozzy explains. “And it’s such a wonderful hobby since the inputs are minimal and the possibilities are endless.” Rozzy took the templates she’d made to make paper animals and started designed articulated jewelry in myriad of mixed colors.
Rozzy’s necklaces are not available for sale online, but can be picked up art shows, church sales, and word of mouth in and around Shepherdstown, WV.